Sunday, December 19, 2010

12/19 - Sunday Checkin

The differences are from the Friday check-in on 12/10 (pre-Vegas), not from Tuesday 12/14


Lousy.  I only lifted three times this past week (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)

Tuesday [standing BB OH press, tricep pressdown, back squats] - I had trouble completing my sets at all.  I did not go up in weight on OH press, and got fewer reps than the previous week.  Pressdowns I at least could do (as opposed to skull crushers).  Squats I went down to 225 just so I could get through all of my sets.

Thursday [pullups, floor press, ez curl, standing calf] - I sort of made it through pullups, but I dropped reps on a couple of sets.  Again, worse than the previous week.  I got through 2.5 sets of floor press, and then was stapled.  I had no strength or endurance, and I just stopped my workout rather than push through and likely hurt myself

Friday [DB OH press, tricep pushdown, front squat] - Again, issues getting all of the reps in my sets without going up in weight.


Thursday - I only had a bit of my during workout shake and I skipped my post-workout shake, due to not completing my workout.

Friday - I did not have my pre-workout shake.  I was rather nauseous prior to lifting.  Post-workout I had a Metabolic Drive protein bar (Biotest brand).  We went into town to lift (details below), and I forgot to mix my post-workout shake to bring with us.

Weight:  187.0 (+3.25)
Waist:  32.75 (+0.675)
Arm: 16.0 (+0.125)
Thigh:  23.25 (+0.25)
Calf:  14.5 (no change)
Chest:  due to difficulties getting consistent results, I am not measuring my chest

So I gained a few pounds, no strength or endurance, and the only appreciable change was that my waist went up over half an inch.  Note to self:  no more vacations until I have at least a decent amount of muscle and am lean.



On Friday we visited the gym in town, as it was too cold to lift in our garage.  Nice gym, has everything necessary for our workouts.  We might get a membership for the next few months depending upon price.

Tuesday - mild post-workout crash.  Nothing major, attributed to being worn out from not sleeping or eating correctly while in Vegas
Wednesday - Hungry and kind of down most of the day.  Actually had some DOMS in my quads from the squats.  Shocking, with the pathetic performance I had
Thursday - Hungry and low on energy all day.  Also I was very cold, even when standing in front of the fire.  Wendi was not having any issues with the temperature, and I am usually the one who runs warm.  So it was not the house that was cold, just me.  I just could not get warm.  After lifting I became somewhat nauseous and was utterly exhausted.
Friday - Again, extremely cold.  Immediately post-workout (a few minutes after I finished my front squats) I crashed out hard (thus the protein bar).  Continued to be pretty much dead for the rest of the evening.
Saturday - I felt ok most of the day.  I was very worn out in the afternoon, but that was due to sawing up trees, hauling the logs around, and then chopping them into firewood.  For four and a half hours.  It seems that tossing around logs that weigh between 50# - 200# and swinging an ax for a few hours is mildly exhausting.  Who knew?

Workout-wise, I am throwing in the towel for this routine.  In the last ten workouts (5 sets of 10-12/8-10 reps) I have only truly completed two of the workouts (BB row, dips, hammer curls, seated calf).  So for eight of ten sessions I dropped reps, sets, or just had to stop.  I don't know if it is just that I am so incredibly out of shape that I cannot make it through, or that the straight high rep sets of single exercises just don't work for me.  But even dropping weight drastically between sets I continue to struggle, and not in a good way.

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