Saturday, February 19, 2011

End Shelby - Plans for the future

Last day of working directly with Shelby.  I will be continuing on the same path at least until DragonCon in September.

I have not exercised today at all.  Went shopping for an unexpected six hour stint, which threw my meal schedule off badly, and I never recovered enough to do anything.

Plans for the upcoming months:

Now until March 3: Remain on a hard leaning cycle until I go out to Herndon.

March 10-13:  Resume hard leaning to repair the damage caused by the lack of diet/exercise while in Herndon.

March 14 - May 5 (MD S&W):  Slowly increase food intake over an eight week period.  Goal is to ratchet my intake as high as possible while not gaining excessive fat.  My cut-off will be if my waist hits 33".  Once that happens, I will reduce intake to ensure that I do not exceed that measurement.  Basic steps:

May 11 - June 8:  Maintain body mass and food intake as much as possible (stabilize a bit).

June 9 - Aug 31:  Lean down slowly.  Basic steps:  implement carb cycling, drop carbs, implement occasional cardio, drop protein & fats, drop more carbs, implement daily cardio.  I will go through each step based upon my results from the week.  Once my results stall, I will ratchet down more.  This should give me twelve weeks of slow cutting, with the goal of retaining as much muscle as possible while leaning down utterly.

For gaining/maintenance, my upper limit is a 33" waist.  Body mass has no cut-off, heavier is better.  Food intake likewise has no limit, the more the better.
Food intake goal (the minimum I would like to be at by June 9th without excessive abdominal size gain):
Protein = 300g/day, Fats = 120g/day, Carbs = 200g/day.  More would be a good thing.

My current daily intake is:  180gP, 40gC, 40gF
My plan for increasing my intake is pretty simple.  Each week, add in 15gP, 20gC, 10gF to my daily intake.  Once I reach a point where I start gaining waist size, I will switch to carb cycling.  Example, if my threshold is 240gP+120gC+80gF, then I will have my low days be about 210gP+80gC+80gF, high days would be 240gP+140gC+60gF.  If that works (waist gain stabilizes), then I will slowly ratchet up my high days.  If my waist gain continues, I will implement medium days as well.  Initial schedule will be Lifting Day = High, off day = Low.  If/when medium days are necessary, then my week will be LMHLMHL (lifting Mon,Tues,Thurs,Fri)

For leaning, I have no lower limit.  My goal is to have defined abs.  But even if I achieve that state before my leaning cycle is over, I will continue to lean down more.  Unless I drop to sub 5% bodyfat, I will not halt leaning. And as my likelihood of getting that lean is negligible, I will be leaning heavily for the entire twelve weeks.

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