Wednesday, June 29, 2011


06/26 to 07/10 (three weeks):  Wave-loading Bodybuilding split

07/17 to 08/21 (six weeks):  5-star modified
Day 1:  5-star squat + chest/back
Day 2:  shoulders/arms + 5-star deadlift
Day 4:  chest/back + 5-star squat
Day 5:  5-star deadlift + shoulders/arms

The reason for mixing in the bodybuilding upper body:
1)  the 5-star chest routine was not working for me
2)  I won't gain any muscle, but this should help me prep for Josh's workouts
3)  I prefer it
4)  the squats & deads should kick my pulse up high enough

The actual exercises for the upper body I have not planned out yet, but I am thinking of something along the lines of either 5/3/1 or wave loading for the pressing.  For the pulls I would just do ramping sets.  Exercises done in an alternating fashion to increase speed/energy expenditure.

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