Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Indigo experiment

I broke down and have acquired Indigo 3-G (, not available in the store, have to call directly).  I will be keeping a very detailed log of my experience.  Workouts, food intake, how I feel mentally & physically, and weekly measurements with progress photos.  Kind of like how I was under Shelby Starnes (still the best fat-loss coach there is).

I ordered a six-week supply (the max I could get), which should be here in a couple of days.  I will begin the supplement on Monday, which will take me until the week of D*Con.  Based upon the results other people have been posting about it, I fully expect Indigo to help me shred fat while possibly gaining some muscle, and also permitting my nutrient intake (especially carbohydrates) to increase.

Now, my sole goal over the next 6 weeks is fat loss.  I want my waist to shrink as much as possible so that my abs are apparent.  Due to the nutrient repartitioning effects of Indigo, many people are noting a work-capacity increase.  Which is something I am in dire need of.

With that in mind, my proposed routine changes are as follows:
1.  Indigo
2.  Add in my Mag10 analogue during lifting
3.  Start PLP again.  Beginning at 10 reps, this should take me up to about 50 reps by the end of the six weeks
4.  Try to push through my entire workout on deadlift/shoulder days.  Squat/chest/back days I seem to be fine on.
5.  Add in cardio as needbe.

My basic diet at the moment is:
non-lifting days:  180gP + 75gF + 60gC (~35gP per meal, 30gC on my two carb meals, 25gF on my non-carb meals)
lifting days:  200gP + 40gF + 150gC (35gP per meal, 30gC in carb meals, 20gF in non carbs.  Workout shake is about 20gP + 60gC)

Now, depending upon how things go with Indigo, I might ramp my carbs up.  Which would be awesome.  Adding in MORE food while losing inches is a dream state.  Kind of like gaining mass while losing inches.

My food/supplement/workout timing will follow the basic template below:
7:00am - Indigo dose #1, green tea extract, caffeine, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, L-Tyrosine, Chochamine (I take all of that aside from the Indigo already)
7:15am - take dog on walk (usually about a mile)
7:30am - PLP
8:00am - Meal #1 (contains carbs)
11:00am - Meal #2 (no carbs), vitamins, fish oil (7.5g)
2:00pm - Meal #3 (carbs)
3:00pm - Indigo dose #2
3:30pm - Geraniamo, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, L-Tyrosine
4:00pm - Workout + shake (Surge Workout Fuel, my Mag10 analogue)
5:30pm - Indigo dose #3
6:30pm - Meal #4 (carbs)
8:30pm - Meal #5 (no carbs)

No workout shake, and meal #3 will not be carby.

so, 5 meals per day, rather than my usual 6.  I have been experiencing issues getting all six meals in a day.  Plus, the five meal set up works better with Indigo dosing.

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