Saturday, August 18, 2012

2012-08-18 Check in [208.5 @ 36.125]

Mass:  208.5 (-2.1)
Waist:  36.125 (--)
Arm:  16.5 (+0.125)
Thigh:  20.5 (--)
Calf:  15.125 (--)

Right.  So.  The "just eat as much as I feel I need post-workout" concept obviously is not working.  This past week I measured out my pre-workout meals (roughly 40-50p + 15f each), then ate whatever I wanted post-workout (usually another 40-50p and then random carbs).  On the one hand, this has not hurt me.  On the other, it has not helped me.  But it is nice to know that it might be a sustainable "maintenance" lifestyle for me.

But this coming week, I am going to have to actually measure stuff out to ensure that I am eating enough.  According to Keifer's chart I should be aiming for 700c post-workout.  I think I will go for about 400, and mostly clean (potatoes, rice, etc).  I'll see how I do.

Today (Saturday) is an off-day.  However, I skipped out on a meal yesterday, and I woke up crashed.  So I might have a cheat meal for my first meal of the day.

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