Saturday, October 4, 2014

2014-10-04 check in [206.75 @ 35.875] - Thib Super Hero 1


200p + 200c + 50f
Trying to be a bit more precise/on-point this week.
Well, failed on being on-point with the diet.

Creatine + 10g BCAAs peri-workout.  1 HotRox in morning

FPFL did not work for me.  I was unable to complete most session.
Going to try Thib's Super Hero instead.
4 day cycle:  Lift > Lift > Cardio > Off
Well, sort of.

Satbench x4
dead x3

Sunsquat x4
ohp x3

leftover sweet & sour chicken
bike SS
30 min @ 9.4 miles
Tuedead x4
bench x3

1/2 energy

Thuohp x4
Famous Daves
Frisquat x4bike ss
18 min @ 5.5 miles
1/2 energy

Routine plans
  1. Thib's Superhero (6 weeks) - tighten up, including below-maintenance diet.  Goal:  get waist below 35"
  2. ABBH (6 weeks) - hypertrophy, including mass-gain diet.  Goal:  add 5-6#, with minimal waist gain.  36" is upper limit for waist.
  3. Roman Superhero (12 weeks) - get waist down and add some better aesthetics.  Diet will depend upon starting point, but I will shoot for dropping inches while maintaining mass or increasing a few pounds. 
  4. FPFL (6 weeks) - tighten up, including below-maintenance diet.  Goal:  10-12# drop.  Hopefully will end this phase at over 210# with a sub-34" waist.
Mass Gain 
Start with ABBH
Why?  Because I remember really liking it.  It is also the routine that got me doing DB Bench with 115# dumbbells for the first time.  Easy, straight-forward, and fun.  Plus, being on a hypertrophy-phase, it fits well.  Roman's Final Phase Fat Loss, or possibly Super Hero Workout (, will come after ABBH.

The above should bring me to around mid-June, barring any slip-ups or down time.  Then I can determine if I need to lean out more or not.

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