This morning I was down 2# and 0.125" off my waist. Somewhat unexpected, but not too shocking. The 4# gain I noticed on Sunday seemed a bit aberrant. However, the waist drop is somewhat unusual. It might just be water loss, as I have finally started my "normal" constant water shedding thing. Or it might be that PLP + TBT = fat loss. Which would not be a bad thing.
Today is an off day otherwise. I might do some cardio, or perhaps outdoor work (depending upon weather).
@13:30 - already had three meals (one P+C, two P+F). Starving currently. *wry grin* If the TBT workouts kick me up this much, I'll have to use them again when I start leaning out.
So, do TBT for the next 6 weeks or so (until S&W), then go back to a split routine (5/3/1 or HSS-100) until Vegas (about 8 weeks). Then come back to the TBT for July & August (about 8 weeks).
Diet: continue as planned - increase weekly through April, and possibly May. Start lowering in June. So diet and workout styles will not be perfectly in sync.
@18:00 - kind of crashy/nauseous. Has happened a couple of times today. Carbs for next meal. Then fats. Perhaps an extra (8th) one if needbe.
@22:30 - swapped meal #6 (protein + fat) for a protein & carb meal. No crashing, so I am calling it a successful experiment.
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