Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday - NEW PLAN

Due to my muscle/shoulder issues, I am not going to continue 5/3/1 for the time being.  I am going to switch to a slightly less brutal regimen.  Perhaps something like HSS-100, which did well for me before.  Or a full-body routine, with emphasis on certain body parts each day.  Not sure yet.

However, I am starting Waterbury's PLP today.  Starting off with 10 reps.  We'll see how I do on it.
Right-o.  Figured out my new routine.  PLP in the morning.  Lifting:  Four days, total body.  One day will be speed work.

DAY 1:  3x4-6 (12-18 reps/exercise)
A) Squat
C) D-grip row
D) decline bench
E) chinup
F) push press

DAY 2:  2x12-15 (24-30 reps/exercise)
A) Military press
B) Bent over row
C) leg press
D) hamstring curl
E) DB bench
F) alternating DB curls (palms up for 1, hammer for 1, repeat)

DAY 3:  3x8-10 (24-30 reps/exercise)
A) Deadlift
B) incline db press
C) front squat
D) 1-hand row
E) floor press
F) high pull

DAY 4:  Speed - Cycle (start at 10 reps)
A) 2-hand db swing
B) DB clean & press
C) renegade row
D) trap-bar farmers walk
E) box jump

On lifting days:  week 1 = alternate (a/b, c/d, e/f).  Week 2 = straight sets.  week 3 = alternate.  etc
speed day:  keep the weight the same, add one rep each week (walks add distance)

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