@9:45 - Moving check-in day to Saturday. Primarily so that we can occasionally go out to eat on Saturday night if we want to (and if our weigh-ins go well)
The measurement differences are from Tuesday until now
Weight: 185.75 (-3.25)
Waist: 32.5 (-0.75)
Arm: 15.875 (-0.125)
Thigh: 23.375 (no change)
Calf: 14.5(no change)
Workouts have gone decently. I have made it through one of each session on the current diet. Improved over the previous performance in pretty much everything.
No cardio currently. I am saving it for when my fat loss slows down.
I have started taking Cognitrop and Metabatrop (leftovers from Wendi's diet). I'm just doing a half dose of Cognitrop and one dose of Metabotrop around 11:00am, and it seems to be helping a great deal. Tuesday and Wednesday I did not take the supplements, and I started dragging badly in the evening. Mood crash, energy levels shot, etc. Thursday and Friday I had the supplements and both days went much better.
Overall, my progress on this diet is promising. The leanest I was at the end of the previous diet cycle was 31.375" waist at 178.5#. So I need to drop 1.125" to get back there. If all goes well, that should only take another 2-3 weeks. And if that is the case, I might go even leaner (actually get my abs in). If so, I will then slowly start ramping up until I reach maintenance. At which point I will re-engage Shelby.
@15:30 - three meals remaining. Just about to have one. Feeling pretty good overall.
@18:30 - I neglected to take the supplements today, and I am paying for it. Meh.
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