Due to picking my parents up from the airport this afternoon, I am shuffling the latter half of this week around. Usually, I work out on Sunday,Monday,Wednesday,Friday. This week I am going to lift on Thursday instead of Friday. Also requires moving my diet days and cardio to match.
Work up this morning, did my 1/2 week weigh in. I am up 1.25#, and down 0.125" on my waist. Granted, this is not much at all (especially the waist part), but it makes me very hopeful.
@07:30 - Starving, almost nauseous from hunger. Off to do cardio (sprints). Hopefully this will redirect my hunger for a while. Otherwise I am going to be very unhappy for the next 45 minutes.
@10:00 - Cardio & meal 1 down. The interval sprints were rough, mostly because I am working at level 11 now. More resistance, not fully conscious, etc. Still, made it through without too much trouble. Feeling pretty good, just hungry. Thankfully, I get another meal in 30 minutes.
@20:00 - kind of crashed out. Mostly exhaustion, but a bit of hunger issues. Nothing too bad.
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