Saturday, November 6, 2010

Diet phase 1 over...

Phase 1 of the diet is over!  Hooray!
To make myself feel really bad:  Here are my mass, waist, and arm size comparisons

June 13, 2010 (start of basic diet)
  • Mass:  214.0#
  • Waist:  38.25"
  • Arm:  16.675" 
August 15, 2010 (start following Shelby Starnes' guidelines)
  • Mass:  207.0
  • Waist:  36.50
  • Arm:  16.375  
Today (end of 12 week Shelby diet)
  • Mass:  178.5
  • Waist:  31.375
  • Arm:  15.5 
So including the fact that I took a week off of dieting and exercise for Dragon Con (early September), over the past twelve weeks I have lost 28.5#, 5.125" off of my waist, and my arm has only dropped 7/8".  Since moving to Colorado this summer, I am down 35.5# and 6.875" off of my waist.  Damn, I did not think I was that fat.  And I am still not ripped.  Need more muscle and less fat.

Last night my workout was primarily playing around.  Main focus was to pump up for photos.  Thus, here are some photos (photobucket):  Progress Pics, Nov 6 2010
I still have a bit farther to go to have visible abs.  Although I am getting striations in my back, which makes me happy.

Went in for hydrostatic weighing/bodyfat testing today.  Yeah, I think the testing equipment they had is off.  They had a hell of a time getting Wendi measured at all.  And my results came back at 15.3% bodyfat.  Granted, I am not shredded yet.  But 15%?  I think that is a wee bit high.  Having tried the cheap place, we will probably go into CSU for caliper and hydrostatic testing.  More expensive, but hopefully they will have better equipment.

After the weigh-in, we went to Denny's for breakfast.  Yeah, not nearly as good as I remember.  Ate, but it was pretty much a feeling of "ok, I need food.  This qualifies, more or less."

After food, I went in for a back massage.  Johanna (massage therapist) kept giggling at me because I was making very appreciative groans.  After twelve weeks of deadlifts and pullups my traps were apparently a bit kinked.

Coming home, pretty much ate on-diet, but with the addition of some home-made applesauce (sooooo tasty).  Honestly, aside from one or two restaurants, I have no cravings for junk food.  Just slightly larger portions, and maybe some fruit.

Awesome thing:  Stopped at the local grocery market on the way home for some basic stuff.  They were having a sale on sirloin.  $3/pound.  Poor butcher had to cut up two entire sirloins for greed little me (I picked up 20# of steak - might go back and get more later on).


  1. Very awesome! You look great at the lower weight, the slimness of your waist really makes your back look even bigger by comparison. I'm glad you've had such good results and that your "diet" seems to have changed how you normally eat - the real definition of a diet. You should really be proud of yourself.

  2. I don't know. Remember the +/- variance of BF testing, and if you go 3-4%, you could be anywhere from 12-15. Which I think is pretty spot on given what you have left.
    Amazing progress, no matter what the BF%. Now get to bulking, you're wasting away!
