Monday, April 18, 2011

monday - heavy & PLP 30

PLP - did 20/10 today.  Will be using Geraniamo before lifting today.

Will probably do CT's new Star Complex thing after S&W.  Seems fun, but I'll need to build a sled.


Did not do my planned workout.  Got the bar on my back, and it just felt horrendously heavy.  Instead, I played.
Squats with 185#, front squats at 135#, jump squats with 20# dumbbell, long jumps (8' per jump), box jumps (went up to 32".  Need to make a higher box), plyo pushups (off the bench), and flat bench press.

On the bench front - hooray for CT!  His trick up shrugging shoulders up (instead of the 'back & down' of powerlifters), combined with the FatGripz, let me bench without shoulder pain.  I was able to work up to a 225# single.  I might have been able to go a few pounds heavier if I did not max out on declines on Sunday, but oh well.

I have figured out where I am in relative strength terms.  Basing my bodyweight on 180# (where I will be again soon):
Bench = 1.25 x BW (~225#)
Squat = 1.75 (~315#)
Dead = 2.25 (~405#)

Not very impressive, but at least better than I thought.

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