Sunday, April 17, 2011

2011-04-17 Sunday Checkin [187.5@33.0]

Weigh in sucked.

Diet - reducing
Cardio - increasing

I estimate that I need be around 170# or a bit less for my abs.  So call it 20# total loss from current.
Goal is abs by September 1st.  So that gives me around 19 weeks.  Inside of that time frame:  Megan coming this week (several meals out, including Rodizo's), then Sheep & Wool (Marrakesh & almost everything else), then my parents for a weekend.  So I will have to play damage recovery several times.  Bad food + not enough exercise (if any) will probably lead to at least 10# of unwanted gains.  So if I can average about 1.5# loss per week on my non-fucked weeks I should be on track

The week after Megan (before S&W) I will have to kick my ass with workouts.  If I can, I will do two-a-days, every single day.  Plus cardio.  Might as well burn myself down so that the junk food doesn't hurt me too badly.


Well, that was pathetic.  Regular workout was a no-go, as my knee is still unhappy.  Instead, I maxed out in decline bench and chinups.  I wanted to do push-press as well, but was unable to do so.
Decline bench press - 265#
Chinup - 100#

Seriously, that's all?  I am incredibly fucking weak.

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