Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sunday - 12/5 - Checkin & Start of week 4

CURRENT CARDIO:  Tues - Steady state, Thurs - Steady State, Saturday - Sprints

In a word:  Poorly.  I am extremely irate with myself.  My workouts this week were abyssmal.
Back & Biceps - I was having severe issues completing my sets.  My biceps became fatigued very badly, to the point that even dropping weight 40% I could not complete a full set by the end.  My pullups and barbell row suffered because of my biceps.  The initial 1/2-2/3 of the motion I was fine, but once I reached the point that my biceps were heavily required to complete the pull I struggled for the alst set or two.
Chest (floor press & dips) - the only part of the week that went decently.  I went up a little on floor press, and a decent amount on dips.
Triceps - Both days, I seemed to hit a wall with my skull crushers.  My weights did go up a tiny bit since last week, but completing my sets was brutal
Shoulder press - Monday (seated dumbbell) not great, not horrid.  Friday (standing barbell) better than it has been.  Higher weight, better form.  Still pathetic weight *wry grin*
Squats - How do we say, no-go?  Monday (front squats) - I did three reps of 135# to warm up, and realized that I was going to hurt myself if I continued (details below).  So, no front squats.  Friday (back squats) I got three sets, then had to stop.  Details below, in the OTHER NOTES section.

Tuesday - I had an extra low-day meal (45 Protein, 20 Carbs, 1/4cup nuts, 2g fishoil).

Weight:  181.0 (+0.25)
Waist:  31.75 (no change)
Arm: 15.875 (+0.125)
Thigh:  23.0 (no change)
Calf:  14.375 (no change)
Chest:  41.5 (no change)


Nearly constant for all days - Within an hour of eating, I became ravenous again.
Sunday - I started crashing a bit after the workout.  Not a full-on crash, so I did not have an extra meal to compensate.
Monday - I felt decent, but had no energy.  I only was able to finish four sets on skull crushers.  On my front squats, I tried the warm ups and could barely move.  My balance and stability were off, and I could barely get out of the hole.  So I stopped, and planned to make up the squats on Tuesday.
Tuesday - I was nauseous from hunger most of the day.  I had absolutely no energy all day.  Thirty minutes of steady state cardio wiped me out to the point that when I sat down about ten minutes afterwards, I passed out for about half an hour.  I had an extra meal in the evening due to nearly blacking out a second time.
Wednesday - I started to crash out immediately following my workout.  I recovered after I had the post-workout stack and the next full meal.  I began to crash again later in the evening, but I just went to bed a bit early instead of eating more.
Thursday - Nothing major to report.
Friday - I felt pretty good most of the day.  Strength-wise I felt fine, and my overhead press & skull crushers went well.  But I apparently did not have enough endurance.  I had to stop after my third set of back squats.  I got through two reps of my fourth set, and began to black out.  I was able to good-morning the weight up to rack it, then I had to sit down for about five minutes until I could see well enough to stumble back inside.
Saturday - Actually felt good all day.

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