Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sunday - Shoulders - Start 5/3/1

@15:00 - Today I switched to Jim Wendler's 5/3/1.
1.  I was stagnating on my previous program (triple drop sets, 6-8 reps per exercise)
2.  I was not having any fun lifting
3.  No fun = no motivation to hit the gym
4.  I have wanted to try 5/3/1 for a while, and this seems like a good time to transition.  The first month/cycle will get me used to it, and I can continue it once I start adding more food in (or if I continue to lean out)
5.  I miss being able to test my strength levels.

Today was shoulders.
3x5 strict military press, at 65%,75%,85% of my sub-max (sub-max = 90% of 1RM).  I am wimpy, so my weights are low (1RM = 135#)
4x8-10 lat raise
4x8-10 1-hand arnold press (much harder than you would think)
4x8-10 tricep pushdown
4 sets of 1-hand overhead carries (about 40' per carry)

This workout felt better than any I have done in quite a while.  And I could really feel my shoulders working by the time I got to the arnold presses.
Diet/Cardio updates:  Due to my pathetic results this past week (I had no positive changes at all), I will be adding in cardio on my non-lifting days.  Shelby actually gave me a choice between dropping my carbs or adding cardio.  Hmm...let me think...I am already down to 60g of carbs a day.  Now, would I rather drop that to 40g or less or add in some cardio sessions?  Such a difficult decision.  *snort

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