Mass: 202.0 (+2.0)
Waist: 34.875 (--)
Arm: 16.625 (+0.125)
Thigh: 24.625 (+0.125)
Calf: 15.0 (--)
Not too bad. Gained 2#, with no waist increase. So, I am going to stick to my current diet.
Meal 1: 40p + 60c
Meal 2: 40p + 30f
Meal 3: 40p + 60c
PWO shake: 25p + 50c
Meal 4: 40p + 60c
Meal 5: 40p + 30f
Honestly, I go over with the protein a bit, so the meals fall between 40-50p, depending upon what I am eating.
This week (Mon & Wed) will finish off my deload. Friday I will begin my next cycle. Instead of swapping out most of the exercises I had planned, I am going to just change the order around (ex: Military press, then biceps, then DBOH, etc) to give myself more rest. I will probably stick to a 4-day per week rotation, unless I get bored and kick it up to 5 days. Main restriction: no deadlifts Monday or Wednesday, unless I go to the gym later than usual. Yoga happens 4-5pm on those days, and I make a lot of noise when doing deads.
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