Sunday, April 28, 2013

2013-04-28 Check in [211.5 @ 36.75] - Shelby 3

Mass:  211.5 (+1.0)
Waist:  36.75 (-0.25)
Arm:  16.375 (--)
Thigh:  25.125 (+01.25)
Calf:  15.5 (+0.125)

  • Monday - ate high carb, but could not go to the gym due to weather
  • Friday - missed my final meal (fell asleep instead)
  • Saturday - went on a hike rather than normal cardio, and had a steak at Texas Road House
In the past two weeks, I have gained 1.5#, but lost 0.5" off of my waist.  Odd, but I am not complaining.  Aside from losing more carbs.  *pout*

Sunday, April 21, 2013

2013-04-21 check in [210.5 @ 37.0] - Shelby 2

Mass: 210.5 (+0.5)
waist:  37.0 (-0.25)
arm:  16.375 (+0.125)
thigh:  25.0 (-0.125)
calf:  15.375 (+0.125)

Not sure how I went up in mass.  Only thought is that the previous week I had been sick, so I gained some extra intra-muscular water weight this week.  Shelby will not be happy, and I am willing to bet that my macros will be going down drastically for this week.  Hello impending hunger

Sunday, April 14, 2013

2013-04-14 Check in [210.0 @ 37.25] - Shelby 1

Mass:  210.0 (-5.25)
Waist:  37.25 (-0.25)
Arm:  16.25 (-0.25)
Thigh:  25.125 (-0.125)
Calf:  15.25 (-0.25)

Mass loss is not surprising.  I would have liked more off of my waist, but that will probably happen pretty rapidly now that the initial water weight is gone, and I can exercise again.  The other losses are probably mostly due to the aforementioned sick & water

Was sick this last week.  Hit Sunday evening.
Sunday - Missed one meal.  Lifted & did cardio
Monday - still sick.  Missed two meals.
Tuesday - fever broke overnight.  Still out of it, but getting better throughout the day.  Missed one meal.
Wednesday - went to the office.  Stupid idea.  Flopped the rest of the day.  Missed one meal.
Thurs - missed one
Friday - got all
Saturday - missed one, did cardio.

cardio:  Sunday & Saturday
Lifting:  Sunday

Sunday, April 7, 2013

2013-04-07 Check In [215.25 @ 37.50] - Shelby 0

Mass:  215.25
waist:  37.50
Arm:  16.50
Thigh:  25.25
Calf: 15.50

I am not recording changes, as this is the beginning of my time with Shelby.  This past week I lifted twice (dialed in my workouts) and ate poorly.  Lots of "last chance for this!" meals.