Sunday, November 20, 2011

2011-11-20 Check in [200.0 @ 34.875]

Mass:  200.0 (-0.5)
Waist:  34.875 (--)
Arm:  16.375 (+0.125)
Thigh:  24.75 (+0.375)
Calf:  15.0 (--)

Overall, I am not disappointed with the above numbers.  This is after a week of pigging out, including way too many restaurant meals when Megan was here, and then a 1/2 week of controlling my diet.  So, being pretty much where I was two weeks ago counts as progress (last week I would have been much worse off).

I have gotten through five workouts of 5/3/1.  These were supposed to be done over 8 days, I did them in 5 (no days off).  Still, seems to be going pretty well.  High rep assistance work for bodybuilding purposes, including 20-rep overhead tricep rope extensions (these are evil).  It seems to be going well.

I am going to stick with my current meal plan for another week, and see how it goes.  Plan is as follows:

Meal 1:  40p + 40c
Meal 2:  40p + 20f
Meal 3:  40p + 40c
PWO Shake:  50c + 25p
Meal 4:  40p + 40c
Meal 5:  40p + 20f

Totals:  225p + 210c + 40f (~2100kCal based on primary macros, probably closer to 2500 with the incidentals tossed in).

I am not being uber-rigorous with my amounts (+/- 5-10g per meal), but the above is pretty close to where I am.

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