Sunday, September 18, 2011

2011-09-18 Check in [192.25 @ 33.5] + Beard start

Mass:  192.25 (-2.0)
waist:  33.5 (+0.25)
arm: 16.0 (--)
thigh:  24.0 (-0.125)
calf:  14.875 (+0.125)

The mass and waist changes, while upsetting, are not surprising.  Between DragonCon and hurting my wrist, I really have not been able to lift in nearly three weeks.  I was doing lots of quad work (leg press, hack squats, lunges, leg extensions, bodyweight squats, pistols, jumps) and conditioning, but the volume (combined with weather shifts) made my knees hurt to the point where I could barely walk.

My wrist is not yet back to normal, but hopefully it will be good enough to start lifting again tomorrow.  my plan is to slightly change my routine.  I will be continuing the hypertrophy program that CT gave me originally, but I will be changing the order a bit.

I am planning on 6 days per week, depending upon my energy levels
Monday - Friday I will do my base workouts.  If I have the time, I will also do the listed spec workout

Monday - Chest base, chest spec
Tuesday - Quads base, quad spec
Wednesday - Back base, back width spec
Thursday - Shoulders base
Friday - Posterior base, back thickness spec
Saturday - shoulder spec (as main), arms Spec
Sunday - Conditioning

Conditioning will either be interval sprints on the exercise bike or running.  Done when I have time (if I cannot do a spec workout, then conditioning will be done on those days)

Unrelated to lifting, I am going to be growing my beard out for a while.  Unlike last time, I have a plan.
1.  keep goatee & sides trimmed, but let my cheeks grow out.
2.  Once cheeks & sides are the same length, let them grow.  Keep goatee trimmed until cheek & sides catch up
3.  I will keep the center of my mustache and my neck trimmed.  Mustache - so I can eat.  Neck - because it itches and I don't like it growing

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