Saturday, July 7, 2012


I am going to attempt a carb-backloading diet, to see how I do on it.  I am kind of following one as it is, but not very well.  Measurements & such are below.  The kicker is my carbs on training day.  Well, I will definitely not be hungry in the evenings I train (yes, this will probably be titrated downwards, but I am wondering how it will hit me at first)
Preparation Phase:
  Starting Measurements [2012-06-27]
  • Mass :  211.8
  • Waist :  36.0
  • Arm :  16.5
  • Thigh :  25.0
  • Calf :  15.25
  After 3 days (post-water drop) [2012-06-30]
  • Mass :  206.6
  • Waist :  35.75
  • Arm :  16.25
  • Thigh :  24.75
  • Calf : 15.0
  Ending Measurements [2012-07-07]
  • Mass :  203.3 [-8.5]
  • Waist :  35.5 [-0.5]
  • Arm :  16.25 [-0.25]
  • Thigh :  24.625 [-0.375]
  • Calf :  15.0 [-0.25]
Based upon target bodyweight of 190#
For Prep phase & non-lifting days, just drop the carbs
  • Protein (pre-workout):  80-150
  • Fats:  35
  • Protein (post-workout):  50-100
  • Baseline Carbs: 775
Meal breakdown
  • Training day
    • Meal 1:  30p
    • Meal 2:  30p + 15f
    • Meal 3:  30p + 15f
    • Surge:  25p + 50c
    • Feast:  30p + 700c + Xfat
  • Off-Day
    • 5 meals:  50p, total of 30-50f

2012-07-07 Check In [203.3 @ 35.5]

Post CBL Prep
  • Mass :  203.3 [-8.5]
  • Waist :  35.5 [-0.5]
  • Arm :  16.25 [-0.25]
  • Thigh :  24.625 [-0.375]
  • Calf :  15.0 [-0.25]
Not too shabby of a change

2012-06-27 Check In [211.8 @ 36.0]

Pre-CarbBackloading prep
  • Mass :  211.8
  • Waist :  36.0
  • Arm :  16.5
  • Thigh :  25.0
  • Calf :  15.25
 Also, post Colorado BeerFest weekend

Friday, July 6, 2012

Max Testing

Re-testing my maxes.  I seem to have about a 5% drop from my previous max.  Not too bad.
Bench:  255 [-5 / 2%]
Dead:  475 [-25 / 5%]
OHP:  140 [-15 / 10%]
Squat:  385 [-20 / 5%]

not too bad overall.  For OHP my shoulders were still a bit fragged from benching.  Squat I _almost_ had 405, but my hip popped.