November - move back to CO.
Week of 11th - just get acclimated, lift a few times, do some easy cardio
Week of 18th - some cardio, maybe a bit of lifting at home if time permits
Week of 25th - begin Shelby rotation. Six weeks, should end Jan 5th
Week of Jan 6th - begin Catanzano Variable Training (details below) -
With a 4-day per week lifting average, this should take about 15 weeks (end of November - mid-March)
Shelby Rotation - 24 sessions
- Day 1 - Pulldowns, Dips, hammer curls, smith machine calves
- Day 2 - OHP, Squats, Rope Overheads, ab wheel
- Day 3 - Yates rows, floor press, BB curls, seated calves
- Day 4 - Seated DBOH, RDL, Skull crusher||JM press, reverse crunch
Week 1 - 120s rest
Day 1 & 2 - 3x10-12
Day 3 & 4 - 3x8-10
- Week 2 - 90s rest
Day 1 & 2 - 4x10-12
Day 3 & 4 - 4x8-10
- Week 3 - 90s rest
Day 1 & 2 - 5x10-12
Day 3 & 4 - 5x8-10
- Week 4,5,6 - 180s rest
Day 1 & 2 - 3x8-10
Day 3 & 4 - 3x5-7
- Weeks 1,2,3: constant weight. Try to hit more reps per set on weeks 2 & 3 (along with more sets)
- Weeks 4,5,6: increase weight.
- X RM for the first set of each exercise on Week 1, 4, 5, 6
- Aim for the top of the rep range. If you drop to the bottom of the range, reduce weight for the next set.
Variable Training - 36 sessions
Cycles (will be longer than one week)
Keep exercises the same throughout the 3-cycle rotation (can change for second rotation)
- Main exercise - 90s
- Accessories - 60s
- Main - Vertical pull
- Accessories - biceps x2, standing calves
- Main - Vertical push
- Accessories - triceps x2, seated calves
- Main - Squats
- Accessories - quads, hams, abs
- Main - horizontal pull
- Accessories - biceps x2, standing calves
- Main - horizontal push
- Accessories - triceps x2, seated calves
- Main - deadlifts
- Accessories - quads, hams, abs
- Cycle 1: 10x10
- Cycle 2: 8x8
- Cycle 3: 6x6
...increase weight... - Cycle 4: 10x10
- Cycle 5: 8x8
- Cycle 6: 6x6
- Cycle 1: 3x12-15
- Cycle 2: 3x10-12
- Cycle 3: 3x8-10
...increase weight... - Cycle 4: 3x12-15
- Cycle 5: 3x10-12
- Cycle 6: 3x8-10
- Calves - Catanzano recommends one set. Use a 20RM, then rest-pause up to 50 total reps. Reduce number of pauses to get to 50 reps
- Main
lift - choose X RM (ex: 10RM on 10x10 day). Use for 2 sets (will drop
1-2 reps on second set). Drop weight a bit for next 2 sets, repeat. If
more than 3 reps are dropped between sets, stop the exercise
- Accessories - Start at top of range. If reps drop below range, lower weight for next set
- If you do a lower number of repetitions with the same weight used previously for that particular set/rep scheme or if a slight increase in load results in a significant decrease in reps (below the prescribed rep number), then you haven't sufficiently recovered and should not perform that exercise that day. If it happens right off the bat with the main exercise, then don't work out. Skip the training session altogether. However, if it happens on any of the accessory exercises, just skip that exercise for the day.